Spring Creek Staff
Cheryl Alderlieste
Principal, Teacher Y3-6, SENCO, PB4L Lead
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Tapueo-o-Unekuki te maunga e rū nei taka ngākau.
Ko Wairau te awa e mahea nei aku māharahara.
No Tūranga-nui-a-Kiwa ahau.
E mihi ana ki ngā tohu o nehe, o Waiharakeke e noho nei au.
E mihi ana au ki ngā tangata whenua o te rohe nei.
Ko Cheryl tōku ingoa.
Nō reira, ka nui te mihi ki a koutou katoa.
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.
I’m Cheryl (Mrs A) and I am the Principal and also kaiako in Nga Whetū (tuakana class) alongside Mrs Mac and Mrs Mealings at Spring Creek School. I also hold the position SENCO (Special Education Needs Coordinator), and PB4L Team Leader. I believe relationships are so important to build the foundations of a positive and inclusive learning environment where all tamariki feel safe to challenge themselves and grow. I value what our amazing students and staff bring to our kura, together creating an exciting environment that engages and supports the needs of our diverse learners.
Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my family and my animals, taking walks on the beach with the dogs and listening to music.
Melissa Bryant
Teacher Y1-2
Kia ora koutou. I am Melissa Bryant and I am excited to be teaching the New Entrants to Year 1 in Awhi for 2025. I have loved getting to know the children over this past year and I am looking forward to building stronger relationships with the students and their whānau.
I live in Rarangi with my husband and teenage daughter. In my spare time, I love to spend time with my family, hang out at the beach and read good books.
Jackie Mealings
Teacher Y3-5
Ko Jackie tōku ingoa.
I am passionate about educating children and am thrilled to be included in, and to contribute to the Spring Creek School community for this year. I have loved getting to know the children when I have been at Spring Creek School as a relieving teacher, and I look forward to furthering these relationships.
I live in Waikawa with my husband, where we have been for 24 years. Out of school time, I enjoy spending time on the water fishing in the Marlborough Sounds and spending time in my garden, reading and carrying out various craft projects. I have two wonderful grandchildren and I adore spending as much time with them as possible.
Sarah MacDonald
Teacher Y3-6 & Piritahi Community of Learning Within School Lead (WSL)
Ko Maungakōtukutuku te maunga.
Ko Waikanae te awa.
Ko Kāpiti te motu.
Ko Ngāti Pākehā te iwi.
Ko Te Tumu Herenga Waka Marae te wharenui.
Ko Sarah Macdonald toku ingoa.
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātau katoa.
Kia ora koutou, I am Sarah (Mrs Mac) and I will be teaching in Ngā Whetū with the wonderful Mrs A. I have absolutely loved getting to know the tamariki and whānau of SCS over the last year and a half. Originally from the Kāpiti Coast, I moved to sunny Marlborough in 2019. Since then I have been teaching locally and raising my son, Pat who is turning 3 in June. I am super passionate about establishing meaningful relationships with our ākongai as they build the foundation for positive life-long learning. When I am not at school I enjoy making the most of our local environment, especially Rangitoto ki te Tonga (D’Urville Island) which is a special place for my whānau.
Chelsea Bryant
Training Teacher
Ko Wairau te awa
No Rarangi ahau
Ko Bryant toku whanau
Ko Chelsea toku ingoa
Kia ora koutou
I am Chelsea Bryant (Miss B). I am very excited to have the opportunity to be a training teacher in Nga Whetu alongside their amazing teacher Jackie. I love Spring Creek School and can not wait for the next few years to see the tamariki progress. I look forward to making greater connections with the students and their whanau. When I am not at school I love to read books and do lots of baking.
Vanessa Beck
Office Administrator/Learning Assistant
Vanessa is the office administrator at Spring Creek School. She works in the office every day. In addition, Ness also supports in class as a Learning Assistant supporting mainly in the Ngā Whetu Team.
Heather Hart
Learning Assistant
Heather joined Spring Creek School in 2021. She provides support for children who have additional learning needs.
Phil Josling
Caretaker and Edible Gardens Teacher
Spring Creek School Board
The School Board provides direction for the school in its governance role. The School Board publishes a short blurb in the school newsletter from time to time to keep the school community informed of the School Board mahi, work.
The School Board meets monthly at school in the conference room, usually on a Wednesday starting at 6.00 pm. Parents & whānau are always welcome to attend. Dates for the meetings are mentioned in the school’s newsletter and are also available on the google SCS Events Calendar. Copies of the School Board Meeting Minutes are available in the office foyer.
Our School Board members are:
John Clark – Acting Presiding Member (PM)
Cheryl Alderlieste – Principal
Ruth Josling
Aleesha Cameron
Emily Gee – Parent Representative
John Clark – Parent Representative
Sarah MacDonald – Staff Representative
The Board Secretary is: Vanessa Beck – admin@springcreek.school.nz
Contact Us
Spring Creek School
52 Ferry Road
Spring Creek
School office
e. admin@springcreek.school.nz
p. 03 570 5514
c. 027 4860560